Coming soon

Stuttgart (D)

Monthly meetings

Centro di Spiritualità
für junge Leute

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CD México (MX)

CIMS - Encuentro internacional

* Reuniones mensuales para jóvenes (18-30 a.)
el último domingo del mes en el CIM-Scalabrini

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Stuttgart (D)

Gebet der Kontinente

- INTERNATIONALES Centro di Spiritualità -
Am letzten Montag des Monats um 20 Uhr
in Präzens + online

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03.05. - 05.05.2024
Solothurn (CH)

Scalabrini Meeting

For young people, families whith children and adults, who would like to contribute to a more welcoming world for all.

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01.08. - 12.08.2024
Agrigento (I)

Summer young people at the border

A meeting for young people: natives, migrants and refugees,… to learn together and from each other.

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International Centres, Young people, Migration, Life testimonies

Magazine ORE

"On the roads of the exodus” is a magazine that serves as an instrument of dialogue and encounter among people of different cultures.

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News, Migration

Provocati a riscoprire la solidarietà

La Polonia, con quasi un milione e mezzo di rifugiati ucraini ufficialmente registrati (dato fornito da UNHCR a fine agosto), e forse altrettanti arrivati e rimasti per un tempo più o meno lungo senza chiedere ufficialmente protezione, è il paese che ha attualmente accolto più persone in fuga dall’Ucraina dal 24 febbraio 2022, giorno tristemente noto per l’attacco russo che ha accelerato un conflitto già presente dal 2014.
Nelle prime due settimane di agosto ci è stata data la possibilità di conoscere più da vicino questa realtà trascorrendo alcuni giorni a Varsavia, Cracovia e Lublino e incontrando rifugiati e persone direttamente coinvolte nell’ accoglienza.

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IBZ Solothurn, Scalabrini-Meeting

Scalabrini Fest 2023

So lautete das Thema des Scalabrini-Festes 2023, das am 29. April vom Scalabrini-Säkularinstitut durchgeführt wurde. Doch diesmal war es etwas ganz Besonderes in seiner bald 30jährigen Geschichte, denn erst vor wenigen Monaten, am 9. Oktober 2022, war Giovanni Battista Scalabrini in Rom heiliggesprochen worden.

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News, Church

J.B. Scalabrini will be proclaimed a saint on october 9th, 2022

On October 9th, blessed John Baptist Scalabrini will be proclaimed a saint. During the Ordinary Consistory, Pope Francis announced the date on which the Bishop of Piacenza, founder of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo and the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Scalabrinians and inspirer of the Scalabrini Secular Missionaries, will be canonized.

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International Centres, IBZ Solothurn, Young people

Ein verrücktes Wochenende in der Schweiz

Um in einer Welt vielschichtiger Kontraste nach echter Freude Ausschau zu halten, fand im IBZ-Scalabrini in Solothurn vom 17.-19. Februar 2023 ein Wochenende für junge Leute statt. Fasnacht feiern trotz Krisenmodus der Welt? Eine Spurensuche.

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IBZ Solothurn, Young people

International Summer Meeting

A week with the Scalabrinis in Solothurn (CH), a small international community that shares their everyday life with migrants and refugees.
"With your talents, ideas and openness, you help to build bridges between different cultures, languages and backgrounds."

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