John Baptist Scalabrini will be proclaimed a saint!

News, Church

John Baptist Scalabrini will be proclaimed a saint!

This happy announcement reached us at the end of May in the middle of the Scalabrinian Year, which we are celebrating in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of G.B. Scalabrini's beatification (November 9, 1997).

"It is with great joy that we share with you the news that the Holy Father, accepting the opinion of the cardinals gathered in assembly on May 17, has decreed that Blessed John Baptist Scalabrini will be venerated as a saint in the Church. [...] We know how much migrants, refugees, seafarers, and all people involved in human mobility are dear to the Holy Father's heart. Many times, he has pointed out to the Church and society the duty to welcome them, protect them, promote their living conditions and value their contribution to common coexistence. In proclaiming John Baptist Scalabrini a saint, Pope Francis wants to indicate to the Church the model of a bishop who not only gave himself completely to the good of his people, but also extended his heart to the sisters and brothers whom life had taken far from home. [...]".

This is how the Superior General of the Scalabrinian Missionaries, the Superior General of the Scalabrinian Missionary Sisters (the two Congregations founded by G.B. Scalabrini in the nineteenth century) and the General Responsible of our Institute of the Scalabrinian Secular Missionaries, expressed themselves in a letter sent to the entire Scalabrinian Family.


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