CIMS Mexico City, Young people
Mission Exposure in Messico
Sofia, Elisabetta e Caterina, grazie al Progetto Mission Exposure (MEX) dell’Università Cattolica di Milano in collaborazione con il PIME, hanno trascorso un mese a Città del Messico, nel Centro Internazionale Scalabrini, svolgendo il loro servizio tra i migranti.
Read more12.12.2023
International Centres, Young people, Migration, Life testimonies
Magazine ORE
"On the roads of the exodus” is a magazine that serves as an instrument of dialogue and encounter among people of different cultures.
Read more08.03.2023
International Centres, IBZ Solothurn, Young people
Ein verrücktes Wochenende in der Schweiz
Um in einer Welt vielschichtiger Kontraste nach echter Freude Ausschau zu halten, fand im IBZ-Scalabrini in Solothurn vom 17.-19. Februar 2023 ein Wochenende für junge Leute statt. Fasnacht feiern trotz Krisenmodus der Welt? Eine Spurensuche.
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IBZ Solothurn, Young people
International Summer Meeting
A week with the Scalabrinis in Solothurn (CH), a small international community that shares their everyday life with migrants and refugees.
"With your talents, ideas and openness, you help to build bridges between different cultures, languages and backgrounds."
News, Church
Scalabrinian Year
The Scalabrinian Family are launching a "Scalabrinian Year" which will begin on Sunday 7 November 2021 and will end on Wednesday 9 November 2022. The theme of the Scalabrinian Year is: Making the world everyone's homeland.
Read more12.10.2020
Scalabrini-Band online
Listen to the Scalabrini-Band online: Spotify, Youtube Music, ... and on other social media platforms!
Read more25.03.2020
Quella luna rossa
Quella luna rossa è il titolo di uno dei CD della Scalabrini-Band. Il titolo è tratto dal racconto di alcuni giovani migranti che, rimasti per lunghe ore della notte in balia delle onde nelle acque del Mediterraneo, hanno visto brillare sopra di loro una grande luna rossa che ha indicato loro la riva. I canti di questo CD esprimono un grido di denuncia verso una società individualista e indifferente nei confronti delle tragedie di oggi e, insieme, un forte messaggio di speranza fondato sulla certezza che c’è Chi ha preso su di sé il male e l’ha trasformato in Giorno nuovo per tutti, come dice uno dei brani.
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Young people
Solidarity with refugees based on equality
We can hardly imagine what a person who had to leave her homeland carries within herself. The direct encounter with people, their faces and stories call us to get involved with the others. It provokes us also to question ourselves, to grow in the responsibility, to work for a new coexistence. Not we and you but we all. Not for them, not for him/ for her but with one another – for one another.
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I was a stranger
Your eyes are searching deep,
but deeper is the reality,
the road that you are walking.
Troubles are great,
but greater still is the living truth,
the presence that you are bearing.
CdS Stuttgart, Church, Young people
Monatstreffen im Centro di Spiritualità
„Kommt und ihr werdet sehen“ (Johannes 1,35-42a)🗝
„Come and you will see“ (John 1:35-42a)🗝
CdS Stuttgart, Church, Young people
Monatstreffen Centro di Spiritualità
Was verändert sich, wenn…
… wir uns selbst und den anderen versuchen aus der Perspektive Gottes anzuschauen?
News, Migration
Provocati a riscoprire la solidarietà
La Polonia, con quasi un milione e mezzo di rifugiati ucraini ufficialmente registrati (dato fornito da UNHCR a fine agosto), e forse altrettanti arrivati e rimasti per un tempo più o meno lungo senza chiedere ufficialmente protezione, è il paese che ha attualmente accolto più persone in fuga dall’Ucraina dal 24 febbraio 2022, giorno tristemente noto per l’attacco russo che ha accelerato un conflitto già presente dal 2014.
Nelle prime due settimane di agosto ci è stata data la possibilità di conoscere più da vicino questa realtà trascorrendo alcuni giorni a Varsavia, Cracovia e Lublino e incontrando rifugiati e persone direttamente coinvolte nell’ accoglienza.
News, Church
John Baptist Scalabrini will be proclaimed a saint!
This happy announcement reached us at the end of May in the middle of the Scalabrinian Year, which we are celebrating in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of G.B. Scalabrini's beatification (November 9, 1997).
Read more01.06.2021
Church, Migration
Blessed Scalabrini's Feast - June 1st
Blessed Scalabrini's Feast - June 1st
"What should be done?”. He shouldered the responsibility for the migrants that he saw by intervening on their behalf at different levels.
Solothurn (CH)
Life testimonies
Donner la vie, donner envie
On the webpage of the Centre Romand des Vocations were published some short films for the series called "donner la vie, donner envie". It aims at telling about different paths and ways of living God's personal call. Among them, you will find an interview with Béatrice. English version of the text follows.
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Stuttgart (D)
Scalabrini-Meeting, CdS Stuttgart
Different peoples on the same path. Towards what future?
From 4 to 6 October, the Center of Spirituality of the Scalabrini Missionaries in Stuttgart, hosted the annual Scalabrini-Fest of Fruits, 2019, with the collaboration of the Scalabrinian Secular Missionaries.
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Life testimonies
I would like to be happy
What do the words “genuine freedom” and “true love” mean? What meaning does my life have? Where and how will I find the truth among so many divergent facts and feelings? These questions, which burn in the hearts of many young people, have consciously, and sometimes unconsciously, challenged me in my search for happiness.
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Young people, IBZ Solothurn
Oltre le barriere
Gli studenti della Facoltà di Pedagogia e alcuni ragazzi immigrati che frequentano l’anno di integrazione nella scuola professionale a Solothurn si sono incontrati in piccoli gruppi o in tandem misti, un’ora e mezza alla settimana per tre mesi, durante un seminario di pedagogia interculturale che abbiamo potuto realizzare in collaborazione con l’insegnante di educazione artistica, Florin Ott.
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CD México
CIMS Mexico City, Young people
Encuentros internacionales en el CIM-S
Centro Internacional Misionero Scalabrini
IBZ Solothurn, Scalabrini-Meeting
Scalabrini Fest 2023
So lautete das Thema des Scalabrini-Festes 2023, das am 29. April vom Scalabrini-Säkularinstitut durchgeführt wurde. Doch diesmal war es etwas ganz Besonderes in seiner bald 30jährigen Geschichte, denn erst vor wenigen Monaten, am 9. Oktober 2022, war Giovanni Battista Scalabrini in Rom heiliggesprochen worden.
Read more27.08.2022
News, Church
J.B. Scalabrini will be proclaimed a saint on october 9th, 2022
On October 9th, blessed John Baptist Scalabrini will be proclaimed a saint. During the Ordinary Consistory, Pope Francis announced the date on which the Bishop of Piacenza, founder of the Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles Borromeo and the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of St. Charles Borromeo Scalabrinians and inspirer of the Scalabrini Secular Missionaries, will be canonized.
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Stuttgart (D)
CdS Stuttgart, Church, Young people
40th anniversary of the Spirituality Centre
The Spirituality Centre for young people was opened in 1982 (March 4th).
From this experience, other International Centres were born in Solothurn (Switzerland), in Milan (Italy), in São Paulo (Brazil) and Mexico City.
Solothurn (CH)
IBZ Solothurn, Church
Advent „live" verbunden
Gemeinsam mit dem Scalabrini-Säkularinsititut in Solothurn lancieren Bischof Felix und Weihbischof Denis zehn Advents- und Weihnachtsgottesdienste, die «live» oder als «replay» mitgefeiert werden können.
Read more25.07.2020
Life testimonies
59th anniversary of the Scalabrinian Secular Missionary Women
In that moment of prayer I spoke my yes to him, handing him over my life completely.
This secret vow became my reference point and my hope: no matter what would happen, and anything could happen, I was in the hands of God and this for ever. I entrusted myself to Him and this was my strength and my joy.
Adelia Firetti
Scalabrini-Meeting, IBZ Solothurn
Only live fish swim - even against the current
The Scalabrini International Spring Meeting. 2019, aimed at young people, adults and families with their children, took place from May, 3rd to 5th at the International Centre "IBZ Scalabrini" (Internationales Bildungszentrum) in Solothurn in Switzerland.
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IBZ Solothurn, Young people
Treffpunkt Deutsch
Seit über einem Jahr wird in der Baselstrasse 25 in Solothurn (CH) jeden Freitagabend von 17 bis 19 Uhr diskutiert, geknobelt, gerechnet, gespielt, gelacht … alles auf Deutsch! Junge Leute aus der Schweiz und Deutschland, aus Afghanistan, Syrien, Eritrea und aus anderen Ländern treffen sich, um miteinander und voneinander zu lernen. Die Initiative geht zurück auf engagierte Sozialarbeiter, die im Auftrag des Kantons jugendliche Geflüchtete begleiten. Im IBZ-Scalabrini traf die Idee sofort auf offene Ohren. Mit dabei waren von Anfang an auch die Pfarrei St. Ursen mit einer Praktikantin, ein Lehrer aus der Kantonsschule, der auch seine Schülerinnen und Schüler zu kommen ermuntert hatte, Studierende der Pädagogischen Hochschule und Lehrpersonen aus dem Integrationsjahr der Gewerbeschule, die ihre Klassen informierten.
Read more30.09.2018
A great patient love crosses history
A great patience
which, even through the difficulties of the road,
does not stop to dream of the aim.
The new life is growing in us and in the world,
slowly but surely…